Dreamhost Fucks Up Big Time

15 01 2008

From Scattered Genius: DreamHost Fucks Up Big Time!

I got hit with a $120 bill for hosting WAY early. Oy. Hopefully my account is still good. I’ll have to check.

Frank Warren Speaks!

22 10 2007

Tonight I went to see Frank Warren of PostSecret speak. He was really inspiring.

He spoke about how he got started with the project, what the secrets mean to him and what he hopes to accomplish. He told a lot of good stories, some funny, some sad and many hopeful. He read some fresh secrets that he had never read before and even opened an envelope with some secrets that had been handed to him at his last speaking engagement.

At first, when he spoke, Frank came off as a little cheesy. His talk of the secrets and how they help him learn and grow reminded me of pastors and teachers speaking to us during high school devotion. In school it felt insincere, but Frank’s talk slowly pulled me in, and I felt myself following with what he said.

He spoke about the first big media exposure he got after the initial bit from the site. It was a video for an All American Rejects song called Dirty Little Secret (which I can’t link to. Thanks, YouTube, for making my version of Flash incompatible with half of your videos.) Frank was offered $1,000 to use his secrets in the video. Instead, he requested that they donate $2000 to Hopeline, a suicide hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE.

The sentiment of his that I felt most in tune with was that he felt he does not censor the cards of others. I felt like sometimes he might have wanted to, but he said he only takes down cards by request. His feeling was that so much of art, be it music, photography, painting or otherwise, is chosen to be displayed in boardrooms. This is raw, though. This is created by people and shot directly to Frank’s mailbox. He’s absolutely right not to censor it. I was fortunate to go to the talk.

By the way, he shared a secret with us. It’s in the first Post Secret book.

Forbes Top 25 Web Celebrities

25 04 2007

Everyone loves a Forbes list, right? I just found the list of the Top 25 Web Celebrities. I’m glad to see that my favorites, Ze Frank and Amanda Congdon, made it in. It threw me off that they called Ze by his real name, Hosea. I’m glad to see that Frank Warren of postsecret.com was in there, too.

I don’t know if lonelygirl15 deserved to be one of them, but she was a phenomenon. I got turned on to Youtube right before she was outed as an actress, so I missed that crazy wave.

Not interesting… Fascinating

18 04 2007

Three very fascinating items found recently:

1. How to waterproof items (think digital cameras) with nothing more than two condoms, wetsuit glue, cardboard and anti-desiccant. It’s the Navy SEAL way, dude! (Found at lifehacker.com, which rocks hard.)

The Hole – video powered by Metacafe

2. Biodegradeable newspaper seedling pots! Cool beans!

3. The world map, resized to reflect the percentage of Wal-Mart store “objects” supplied by every country. It’s a bit scary. Found via (deep breath) consumerist.com>kottke.org>fake is the new real>some guy named Benjamin Edwards!

RIAA boycott and (yikes!)

23 03 2007

Gizmodo has an RIAA boycott in effect. Try it out! I rarely buy CDs, but I’ll start being more conscious. Anyone who reads this, let me know if you’re going to do it!

Also, looking at digg, I found a story about how a woman is allergic to electromagnetic waves. holycrapcheckitout. She gets skin rashes and her eyelids swell to three times their normal size. Now you see why … (yikes!)

The Consumerist Reports on Charter Communications

12 03 2007

I was horrified to read this exchange with a Charter Communications customer service rep, as reported by The Consumerist.

This reminds me of another instance that occurred in Madison as relayed by Laura Kalinowski of the Daily Cardinal.

Jesus had a kid?

28 02 2007

This is a fascinating piece written by Kevin David Boles of Urban Semiotic.

He references a Time magazine blog article found here.

The stories discuss James Cameron’s latest film “exposing the fact” that Jesus was married, had a child and died… for real, not as a fictional film. The questions that arise are important for the future. Is this really Jesus (Jesua) and his family, both parents and progeny? If not, whose bodies are they? Other good points made in the Time blog:

“Israel’s prominent archeologist [sic] Professor Amos Kloner didn’t associate the crypt with the New Testament Jesus. His father, after all, was a humble carpenter who couldn’t afford a luxury crypt for his family. And all were common Jewish names.”

Then again, this could be a sensationalist response to the Christian fundamentalist right, following in the footsteps of such great documentarians as Michael Moore. I guess I’ll have to watch this thing and make up my mind.

How to French Kiss – Ze Style

5 05 2006

More Ze Frank: Just follow the link! – He rips on Cream Ale, too. Hah.

And dirty space news.

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17 04 2006

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